Cosmetic dentistry

We improve the aesthetics of a natural smile

Cosmetic dentistry is the way to a natural, aesthetic appearance of the teeth.

Cosmetic dentistry helps everyone who is not satisfied with the condition of their teeth. It can help improve the look of the teeth in many aspects: from reducing discolouration, through lightening their natural colour, to correcting their shape.

Why do Patients choose Centrum Estetique?

Because it is the guarantee of satisfactory results.

Beautiful smile

We guide our Patients step by step through the entire treatment process – until they achieve a dazzling, healthy, and snow-white smile.

Greater comfort and confidence

It is said that a smile is what makes a person unique and we share it with many people every day. We make sure that our Patients can do it with comfort and confidence.

Perfect safety

Treatments are performed by experienced dentists, taking care not only of the aesthetic result, but also of the health of the Patient's teeth.

We care for the beauty of your smile

Centrum Estetique is a place open to Patients of all ages. We combine theoretical knowledge, many years of practical experience and the latest achievements in cosmetic dentistry to safely deliver the expected visual results.

The advanced skills of our dentists and specialised equipment enable us to provide top quality services. With the innovative technology of Smile Designer Pro, we can create a virtual design of a new smile – without any cavities or unpleasant discolouration. The Patient can see it even before the cosmetic dentistry treatment begins. This simulation enables to select the size, colour and type of aesthetic reconstruction to match the Patient’s facial features or skin tone. This way, the end result looks exceptionally natural.

Camouflage treatment (bonding)

Bonding is a micro-invasive procedure that camouflages aesthetic defects by applying thin layers of carefully selected composites to the surface of natural teeth. It helps reconstruct their correct architecture (hide chipping or cracks), as well as change the colour – lighten or reduce discolouration. Camouflage treatment is intended for Patients who have full teeth without malocclusion but want to improve the look of the smile without much interference with the natural enamel.

Flow Injection

Flow Injection is an advanced bonding technique that involves a spectacular, non-invasive smile makeover in just 1 day. It enables to change the shape and colour of the tooth, as well as eliminate diastema (gaps between the teeth). The dentist performs a diagnostic 3D scan, a photographic protocol, and sometimes also an X-ray examination. Based on the collected information, a visual design of the Patient's new smile is prepared, which our internal digital lab needs to make special trays. They are the carrier through which the dentist carefully applies a highly aesthetic composite. The result is a smile makeover in accordance with the design approved by the Patient.

Teeth whitening

At Centrum Estetique, we perform teeth whitening in 3 variants, depending on the preferences and condition of the Patient's teeth.

A simple and convenient overlay method involves the use of individually prepared overlays, to which you apply a special whitening product, and then you put them on your teeth. This is repeated at regular intervals until the desired effect is achieved.

The dental hygienist takes impressions or performs an intraoral scan to make the overlays. After about 2 working days, during the next visit, you receive ready-made overlays, whitening gels and detailed instructions for the procedure at home.

In-office whitening is limited to one, sometimes two visits, during which the whitening preparation is applied to the teeth. It has a higher concentration than the gel used for overlay whitening. During the treatment, the gums are protected with a special protective mass, and the preparation is activated by irradiating it with a lamp.

It includes standard in-office whitening and you also get an at-home whitening kit. It is used to stabilise the colour or whiten the teeth some time after the procedure.

Our dentists

At Centrum Estetique, we provide comprehensive dental care for children, adults, and seniors.

Paweł Szuba-Paszkiewicz


Natalia Pochroń-Sawka


Price list

Porcelain bridges and crownsfrom PLN 1700
All-ceramic veneers (We perform all works in the best prosthetic labs in Poland and in the world, using innovative technologies)from PLN 2000
Checkup (We recommend that patients visit our Centre regularly [every 6 months] in order to maintain the guarantee for the provided services)from PLN 150 zł

Do you want to take care of the aesthetics of your smile?

Schedule a consultation.

Are you concerned that the cost of the procedure might be too high for you?

You don’t have to pay the whole amount right away. You can easily divide the payment into convenient installments using the MediRat system, and start treatment now.

Metamorfoza metodą Flow Injection.

Pacjentka zgłosiła się z chęcią zmiany kształtu oraz koloru zębów, szczególnie przeszkadzała jej przebarwiona po leczeniu kanałowym górna jedynka. Najpierw wykonaliśmy wybielanie wszystkich zębów metodą nakładkową oraz pokrycie przebarwionej jedynki specjalnym blokerem aby ostatecznie uzyskać harmonijny kształt i kolor, wykonując zabieg pokrycia wszystkich górnych zębów kompozytem metodą „Flow injection” czyli „bonding”.

Metamorfoza uśmiechu - bonding metodą Flow Injection.

Pacjent zgłosił się do naszej kliniki celem poprawy estetyki uśmiechu, zarówno kształtu, koloru zębów jak i przywrócenia ich prawidłowej funkcji. 
Został wykonany cyfrowy projekt nowych zębów a następnie dolne zęby zostały wybielone, natomiast na wszystkich górnych zębach wykonano kompozytowe odbudowy – czyli „bonding” metodą „Flow Injection”

Cyfrowa metamorfoza - licówki próbne.

Na podstawie najnowocześniejszych możliwości technologicznych takich jak Tomografia Komputerowa, skan twarzy, skany zewnątrzustne oraz oprogramowanie do cyfrowego projektowania uśmiechu, byliśmy w stanie zaprezentować naszej pacjentce symulacje jej nowego uśmiechu oraz dzięki drukowi 3d urealnić nasz projekt w postaci rzeczywistych licówek próbnych które pacjentka mogła przymierzyć w rzeczywistości, bez wykonywania żadnych inwazyjnych zabiegów.

Metamorfoza uśmiechu - licówki.

Tak wygląda cyfrowa metamorfoza uśmiechu przy użyciu najnowszych metod projektowania, wspomaganych komputerowo. Licówki próbne zostały założone pacjentce w całkowicie nieinwazyjny sposób. Po akceptacji nowego uśmiechu przez pacjentkę można było przystąpić do wykonania ceramicznych licówek ostatecznych.